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Introduction to Regional Governance

Author: LI Yingbo
Subject:Humanities & Social Sciences
Publication Date:2024.03.01
Page Count:252

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The textbook presents a comprehensive theoretical foundation and systematic framework of regional governance, encompassing its conceptualization, governance participants, governance tools, governance mechanisms, governance processes, and governance performance. Additionally, it discusses the international development of regional governance organizations and regional governance mechanisms. From the perspective of governance objectives, governance logic, governance characteristics, governance tools, and other factors, the book introduces the experience and paradigm of China's regional governance.The textbook is beneficial for students in developing a comprehensive understanding of regional governance. It also contributes to equipping students with the theoretical knowledge, awareness, literacy, and ability to utilize regional governance perspectives and tools to address regional development challenges. Furthermore, it aims to facilitate a deeper appreciation for the characteristics and innovative approaches of China's regional governance paradigm and foster theoretical and institutional confidence in China's regional governance path.

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